We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming in-person gathering
Evanta cares about the health and safety of our community. Please review the following recommendations prior to attending the gathering.
September 10-12, 2025 | Four Seasons Hotel New Orleans
September 10-12, 2025
Four Seasons Hotel New Orleans
Get together with other CIOs who lead global operations at this exclusive, three-day summit to exchange ideas and validate strategies unique to large, complex organizations. Engage in candid discussions, dive deep into critical issues and validate strategies with other enterprise heads of (IT/Security) on the challenges unique to large, complex organizations. Executives are assured a level of information exchange and interaction with true, global peers beyond a regional community on discussion topics driven by Global CIOs, for Global CIOs.
Connect with true peers who lead their function globally and have similar opportunities and challenges, gain new perspectives and share experiences unique to the global nature of your role, and participate in discussions and sessions geared specifically toward global (IT/Security) leaders.
Continuing the transition from tech overseers to strategic innovators
Harnessing cutting-edge technology to elevate business outcomes and fuel future success
Optimizing resources through value maximization and astute financial management
The Governing Body Co-Chairs shape the summit agenda, ensuring that all content is driven by CIOs, for CIOs.
Tracy Schaefer
Conagra Brands
Michael Smith
The Estee Lauder Companies
The CIO Executive Summit agendas are driven by the mission-critical priorities identified among the community. Each agenda is uniquely crafted ‘by CIOs, for CIOs,’ and will be available closer to the gathering. All topics and sessions will be inspired by the following themes.
Collaboration and Co-Ownership to Drive Digital Innovation
So-called “digital vanguard” CIOs and their counterparts across the C-suite will achieve higher success by working closely together, co-owning digital initiatives, and sharing accountability across the business for optimal results.
Empowering Business Technologists
Technology leaders should encourage collaboration between IT and non-IT staff at all levels by providing resources, training, and platforms that facilitate the development of digital solutions across the enterprise.
Focus on Architecture and Innovation
Prioritizing the creation of a robust platform experience, ensuring architectural awareness, and co-creating innovation in all business areas will drive digital leadership and secure practices company-wide.
Evanta facilitates exclusive, C-level communities by personally qualifying and understanding the priorities, challenges and interests of each member.
Our selective approach maintains the high quality of the network and ensures top-level discussions with peers from the world’s leading organizations.
Four Seasons New Orleans Hotel - Room Block Cancellation Policy:
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Four Seasons Hotel New Orleans at a reduced conference rate. Reservations should be made online or by calling 504-434-5100.
Deadline to book using the discounted room rate of $385 USD (plus tax) is August 9, 2025.
For inquiries related to this community, please reach out to your dedicated contact.