Leading Through the Pandemic with Core Values

Leadership Profile
Written by Julia Cummings

Kurt John

Chief Cybersecurity Officer

Siemens USA

June 2020

Siemens Chief Cybersecurity Officer Kurt John’s interest in technology first emerged when he was around 12 years old. “I first became interested in technology and cybersecurity when a close friend of mine came over and showed me how he could get free internet using my telephone. Why was he able to do it? Why didn’t the internet service provider stop him? Can everyone do this? Ever since then I was fascinated with technology and information security,” he said. 

Today, John is a leading cybersecurity expert responsible for the cybersecurity strategy, governance and implementation for Siemens’ largest market – the US. He focuses on fostering collaboration within his organization and prides himself on helping build a more secure world for future generations. 

John was born and raised in Guyana, South America, and now lives in Washington D.C. By the time he was in 12th grade, he was already teaching younger students computer science, and even went on to teach at the university level. 

Every move and career change helped John develop a strong leadership style and focus on collaboration across his team, organization and peers. Those leadership skills have been tested more than ever during the global pandemic. Beyond simply asking his team to manage cybersecurity challenges while working from home, he actively seeks out innovative processes to help Siemens emerge from COVID-19 even stronger. 

“It has been interesting to see the team fall back on our core value of serving society,” he said. 

The team is rising to the challenge of this pandemic, becoming stronger advisors and partners to our colleagues and customers, which in turn allows our business to grow in a cyber-safe way.


“Having to lead during a pandemic is nothing I could have anticipated or planned for. This is one of the biggest crises we have had in decades. It has been phenomenal having the support of a great team that also facilitated my growth,” he said. 

John works with his team daily to mindfully include and collaborate throughout the organization. “I always keep collaboration front and center in everything I do. I don’t have all the answers, but I’m always confident we can come to a conclusion together as a team,” he said. 

John believes that most organizations can impact the world daily in a positive way, but even more so in today’s environment. John shared that as an executive, things are always going to be coming at you a million miles an hour. Everyone will have questions or concerns; however, as a leader, it is critical to figure out how to deliver on the values of the team and the organization.

One of the greatest business challenges is also its greatest success – the balance between innovation and adoption. “It is amazing what people can accomplish during the digital age,” he said. 

You have to answer, personally, what keeps you grounded. What are you trying to achieve and what mark are you trying to leave? Your personal ethos has to be front and center for everything you do.


He said his two daughters, ages one and three, constantly motivate him to be the best he can be and impact the world where he can. “My daughters inspire me the most, and cybersecurity gives me the opportunity to leave the world a little better and safer place for them.”


Special thanks to Kurt John and Siemens USA.

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