Washington, DC CISO Executive Summit

November 19, 2019 | Marriott Marquis, Washington DC

November 19, 2019
Marriott Marquis, Washington DC

Collaborate with your peers

Get together with your peers to tackle top business challenges through peer-driven content and discussions at the Washington, DC CISO Executive Summit.

Join your peers to discuss the most critical issues impacting CISOs today:

Investing in your people and the right technologies

Innovating with advanced technologies and new delivery models

Influencing business stakeholders and enterprise outcomes

Washington, DC CISO Governing Body

The Governing Body Co-Chairs shape the summit agenda, ensuring that all content is driven by CISOs, for CISOs.

Governing Body Co-Chairs

Sam Abbate

Northrop Grumman Corporation
Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Ted Colbert


Jim Connelly

Lockheed Martin

Mike Gordon

Lockheed Martin

André Mendes

US Department of Commerce
Acting CIO

Shamim Mohammad


Christopher Porter

Fannie Mae


November 18, 2019

November 19, 2019

6:00pm - 8:30pm  Governing Body Welcome Reception

Governing Body Welcome Reception

Governing Body members host this dinner to launch the event with an evening of peer networking.

11:40am - 12:20pm  Lunch & Comments

12:20pm - 12:50pm  Keynote

Achieve 100% Analytics Adoption with a New Class of Enterprise Intelligence

Michael Saylor headshot

Michael Saylor

President, Chairman of the Board & CEO


Despite having access to a wealth of data, enterprises still struggle to effectively deliver trusted insights to the entire workforce—preventing them from realizing the full value of their data investments. Overcoming this challenge takes pervasive adoption of trusted analytics.

This session will cover:

  • Mastering the next wave of Enterprise Intelligence with zero-click analytics
  • Empowering your workforce to get more from tools they use, every day
  • Using mobile productivity apps to impact every business role and function

12:50pm - 1:20pm  Networking Break

1:20pm - 2:10pm  Breakout Session

The C-Level Mandate for Secure Cloud Transformation

Stan Lowe headshot

Stan Lowe

Global CISO


IT leaders commonly face two opposing pressures: an external push to “lift and shift” everything to public cloud, and an internal pressure to maintain legacy IT “hardware-defined” architectures.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to use ROI and TCO as building blocks for a compelling business case
  • Tips on creating your story to drive consensus
  • How to tie disruptive technology into the broader business case

1:20pm - 2:10pm  CISO Executive Boardroom

Cyber Resiliency — Evolving Your Cyber Ecosystem

Casey Getz headshot

Casey Getz

Head of Cyber Strategy and Enterprise Architecture

Rolls-Royce North America

Jeremy Dold headshot

Jeremy Dold

Director, Global Security and Privacy, Information Security Officer

Liberty Mutual Insurance

Bruce Potter headshot

Bruce Potter



Richard Friedberg headshot

Richard Friedberg

Chief Security Officer


Managing and mitigating risk is a complex undertaking that spans phishing to networking monitoring. Faced with increasingly complex and sophisticated threats, CISOs must be strategic about improving their resilience and tracking improvements.
Join this boardroom to discuss:

  • Emerging security models based in transparency
  • Understanding security risks when it comes to cloud
  • Managing the business’s risk appetite
  • Building a resilience plan

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to CISOs). To reserve your seat, please contact your event Jordan Guess at 971-717-6668 or

7:00am - 7:45am  Registration & Breakfast

7:45am - 8:00am  Opening Comments

8:00am - 8:30am  Keynote

Adaptive, Innovative and Dependable — The DoD’s Modernization

Jack Wilmer headshot

Jack Wilmer

Deputy CIO for Cybersecurity and CISO

U.S. Department of Defense

As one of the nation’s largest employers with business operations in almost every industry, the Department of Defense is operating one of the world’s most complex set of networks. IT is a critical enabler for the command and control of forces executing warfighting operations, management and protection of information assets. Jack Wilmer will outline how the DoD is finding the way forward to a more secure, effective and efficient digital environment.

In this keynote, you will hear about:

  • Innovating for a competitive advantage
  • Evolving cybersecurity for an agile and resilient defense posture
  • Cultivating talent for a digital workforce

8:30am - 9:00am  Networking Break

9:00am - 9:50am  CIO & CISO Featured Session

Cyber Governance and Regulation in the Enterprise

Tim Callahan headshot

Tim Callahan

Global Chief Security Officer


David Shive headshot

David Shive



Cybersecurity regulation can be a divisive topic and the government’s role regarding information security is often led by two primary factions: one side that welcomes regulations and another that rejects government interference. Where do you stand?

In this co-presentation, you will hear:

  • What’s being said and done on the hill
  • When you should start preparing for regulatory shifts
  • How different opinions are influencing cyber legislation

9:00am - 9:50am  CIO & CISO Featured Session

A Governance Perspective – Attack and Failure Surfaces

Keith Rayle headshot

Keith Rayle


Fortinet, Inc.

The ability for cybercriminals to attack increasingly complex and disparate architectures has become a simplified exercise in picking and choosing the easiest targets. Are we, as a profession, simply magnifying this issue by creating silos of security? Keith Rayle from Fortinet will provide insight into the challenges of governance and how security professionals can reduce the attack surface of controls and protection mechanisms.

Join this session to learn about:

  • Governance challenges of today and how they mirror the past
  • The disappearing towers – where did my highly visible IT business operations go?
  • The increasing complexity of IT and how it assists cybercriminals

9:00am - 9:50am  CISO Executive Boardroom

Modernize and Containerize

Amy Claire Smith headshot

Amy Claire Smith

Executive Cloud Security Architect


Michael Castagna headshot

Michael Castagna



John Skudlarek headshot

John Skudlarek

Acting CIO

Federal Communications Commission

The next wave of cloud involves multiple environments, which begs the question: how do you securely orchestrate various architectures and policies? This session will address risk best practices, like containers. Join this peer-led discussion about scalability and integrated security testing.
In this boardroom, you’ll explore:

  • Privacy concerns in containerized applications
  • Servers and containers as the new mainframe
  • Freedom and flexibility with containers

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to CISOs). To reserve your seat, please contact your event Jordan Guess at 971-717-6668 or

9:50am - 10:20am  Networking Break

10:20am - 11:10am  CISO Featured Session

Journey to the Cloud — A Benchmarking Session

Zachary Brown headshot

Zachary Brown


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Shaun Khalfan headshot

Shaun Khalfan

VP, Information Security

Freddie Mac

Justin Black headshot

Justin Black


United States House of Representatives

Many security leaders face the challenge of securing a blend of on-premises and cloud services, and achieving a seamless strategy addressing both is no small task. Find out how you compare to your peers and share your lessons learned in this collaborative session.

In this session, you’ll compare:

  • Successes and challenges during cloud migration
  • Governance best practices for data and users
  • Benefits and pitfalls of hybrid infrastructure

10:20am - 11:10am  CISO Executive Boardroom

Modern Approaches to Protecting Your Third-Party Ecosystem

Scott Schneider headshot

Scott Schneider

Chief Revenue Officer


Stacey Halota headshot

Stacey Halota

VP, IS & Privacy

Graham Holdings

Gayle Guilford headshot

Gayle Guilford


City of Baltimore, Maryland

It's no secret that hackers are opportunistic. They are constantly looking for the weakest link and are quick to capitalize on one as soon as it's spotted. This boardroom will discuss:

  • Third-party cyber risk best practices
  • New strategies for third-party cyber risk management (TPCRM) and how they work
  • How to scale your third-party risk management (TPRM) program to evolve with your ecosystem

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to CISOs). To reserve your seat, please contact your event Jordan Guess at 971-717-6668 or

11:10am - 11:40am  Networking Break

2:10pm - 2:30pm  Networking Break

2:30pm - 3:20pm  CISO Featured Session

Digital Risk Explosion — Managing Risk in a Hyper-Outsourcing World

Jonathan Niednagel headshot

Jonathan Niednagel

SVP of Global Services


Digital transformation has dramatically transformed the enterprise risk surface, automating a vast array of processes while outsourcing a vast array of systems and services. Through this frenetic reshaping, few organizations truly understand the nature of their new risk reality and how to successfully manage it.

In this interactive discussion we will:

  • Explore the true nature of the enterprise cyber risk surface
  • Discuss threats and regulations driving organizations to better manage their extended enterprise
  • Share insights on how to better manage third-party risk (hint: good data!)

2:30pm - 3:20pm  CISO Executive Boardroom

IAM in the Digital Age

Scott Daitzman headshot

Scott Daitzman



Amit Khosla headshot

Amit Khosla

Business Information Security Officer

U.S. Bank

Frank Aiello headshot

Frank Aiello



From making the business case for deploying an IAM program to developing compelling metrics down the road, getting buy-in on an access program is key. Join this roundtable discussion to benchmark your framework and vet future plans, and learn the most innovative tactics security leaders are using for IAM at their organization, including:

  • Methodologies that satisfy users while maintaining adequate access controls
  • Communication techniques to streamline acceptance of IAM across the business
  • Roadmaps for deciding what technology is the best fit

Executive boardrooms are intimate and interactive sessions designed to foster dynamic dialogue around a specific, strategic topic. These private, closed-door discussions encourage attendee participation and are limited to 15 attendees (seating priority is given to CISOs). To reserve your seat, please contact your event Jordan Guess at 971-717-6668 or

3:20pm - 3:40pm  Networking Break

3:40pm - 3:50pm  Closing Comments

3:50pm - 4:20pm  Keynote

Secure and Digitize the Enterprise

Suzanne Hall headshot

Suzanne Hall

Global CISO & VP Technology


Eddie Alicea headshot

Eddie Alicea

Director of Information Technology

BAE Systems

Nicolas Leshock headshot

Nicolas Leshock


General Dynamics

Technology executives are the tip of the spear when it comes to driving impact throughout today’s digital business. Yet with this leadership comes the burden of responsibility for widespread, secure initiative implementation. Learn how top executives are delivering maximum impact and lasting change while securely moving the enterprise forward.
In this keynote, you’ll hear about:

  • Cultivating a secure, modern digital customer experience
  • Achieving agile cultures that empowered digital transformation
  • Modernizing IT and analytics to drive business outcomes

4:20pm - 5:00pm  Closing Reception & Prize Drawing

November 18, 2019

November 19, 2019


Venue & Accommodation

Marriott Marquis, Washington DC

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Community Program Manager

For inquiries related to this community, please reach out to your dedicated contact.

Jordan Guess

Program Manager
