Governing Body Spotlight

Governing Body Member of the Boston CDAO Community

Prasad Gunda

AVP, Business Intelligence and Advanced Analytics


Prasad Gunda is a seasoned leader in data and advanced analytics with over 25 years of progressive experience. He specializes in Digital Transformation, Data and Analytic Strategy and Enablement, Data Architecture and Engineering, and Data Management.

Prasad’s role involves providing strategic technology leadership to business partners as they adapt to new business models. He is skilled in formulating data and analytics strategy and roadmap development, aligning them with business priorities and technology transformation goals. With a multi-year plan, he executes on delivering tangible value to partner functions.

Learn more about the Boston CDAO community here.

Give us a brief overview of the path that led to your current role.

With a deep technology background in the data and analytics space, I have gained expertise in strategy, architecture, modeling, data integration, business insights, and AI/ML. Along my career path, I was fortunate enough to have worked with great leaders, mentors, and colleagues who helped me grow into my current leadership position. I am passionate about building high-performing data and analytics organizations and delivering innovative solutions using Agile methodology.

What is one of your guiding leadership principles?

My leadership philosophy is founded on the situational leadership approach, which emphasizes the importance of adapting our leadership style based on the situation to bring out the best in others and achieve optimal results.

With disruption being a key theme of the past few years, where do you see your role as a CDAO going in the next 1-2 years?

Charles Darwin once said, "It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent; it is the one most adaptable to change." This statement holds true for the data and analytics landscape, which is undergoing unprecedented change with the increased focus on digital transformation. 

Data is embedded in every interaction, process, and decision, and it is processed and delivered in real-time. To enable organizations as data-driven enterprises, data leaders need to focus on key areas such as increased adoption of AI/ML, treating data as a product, emphasis on data management including observability, privacy and security, monetizing data services and data sharing, and increasing data literacy, talent upskilling and cross-skilling.

What advice would you give to someone just starting out in the role as a CDAO?

Data and analytics leaders play a crucial and influential role in enabling businesses to effectively leverage data-driven insights to improve their functions. Position to integrate data and analytics strategy into the overall business strategy, rather than exclusively prioritizing the development of a data strategy or an analytics strategy. 

Leadership requires humility, as well as a commitment to ongoing learning, active listening, and the ability to anticipate and navigate change.


Tell us 3 fun facts about yourself.

  1. When I was younger, I used to be both a chess player and a bookworm. 
  2. Exploring new destinations and traveling is a passion of mine. I have fond memories of my trips to Big Sur and Yellowstone National Park, and I hope to make time for more adventures in the future.
  3. I’ve realized that my resolution to exercise is like a marathon – it requires a lot of endurance, but I’m determined to cross the finish line!

What is the value of participating in a professional community through Evanta?

Joining the data and analytics leadership community enables me to connect and engage with thought leaders in the field, facilitating the exchange of ideas and gaining valuable insights into the latest trends and developments in the industry.

Evanta Governing Body members share their insights and leadership perspectives to shape the agendas and topics that address the top priorities impacting business leaders today.

by CDAOs, for CDAOs

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